Welcome to the Scoil Íde Website
Scoil Íde’s Location
Scoil Íde is located in a quiet cul-de-sac where the seashore, the Aquarium, Salthill Park and woodland areas and Eileen’s local shop provide a wonderful outdoor classroom. The school’s proximity to Galway City enables the children to visit the Museum, the library, art exhibitions, live theatre shows in the Town Hall and Black Box, book week events in Dubray, Baboro Children’s Art Festival and the Teddy Bear Hospital at NUIG.
Scoil Íde has been awarded a Digital School of Distinction Award, an Active School Flag and seven Green Flags to date. Scoil Íde has also been awarded the Science Foundation of Ireland – Discover Primary Science and Maths Plaque every year since 2015. We have also participated in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme and the Cell Explorers programme with students from NUIG.
School News
The Sound of Music
Well done to the superstars from 5th & 6th Class on their performance of "The Sound of Music" on Wednesday the 14th of March. You were amazing!! [gallery...
An Céilí Mór
Tháining an scoil ar fad le chéile sa halla inné don chéilí mór. Bhí an-sport agus craic againn.